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Taking video marketing to the next level.

Dennis Egan-Your Title Guy.

In today's market most real estate agents are taking to social media to promote themselves and the properties they sell. It's no secret that "video" is the best type of content to publish on social media. Facebook actually gives preference to live videos.

Video can be a great tool to engage your audience with open house promotions, new listings and videos promoting our area. However, not having a steady hand while filming your video can have an adverse effect on how long potential customers may watch your video.

Here is an inexpensive tool that will help you deliver professional, steady video footage to your target audience. This can be purchased for as little as $129 and it will set you apart from the competition.

Meet the D J I Osmo Mobile.

Have a great day selling and remember to write Sun National Title on your next contract.

Fort Myers Beach Title Company

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